Enrolling for Preschool

David Douglas School District is offering free preschool in all nine elementary schools for the 2024-2025 school year. All families residing in David Douglas are encouraged to apply. Space is limited. Registration is not first come, first served.
Information for 2024-25 can be found below.
*Please note*
David Douglas preschools are offered to families who are residents of David Douglas School District and live in the catchment area. We are unable to accept students who live outside of David Douglas School District.
If your student is accepted into one of our David Douglas preschools and your family moves outside of the District during the school year, they will no longer be able to continue attending. The only exception to this rule is when families move when there are 6 weeks or less remaining in the school year.
It is an expectation that all of our students maintain 90%+ attendance to participate in our preschool program.
Preschool Promise Sites – Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now CLOSED for Earl Boyles and Mill Park.
Preschool Promise sites (income restrictions apply – families who are living at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level).
Priority is given to children who turn 4 before September 1st and whose home school is Earl Boyles or Mill Park.
Registration is now closed for Earl Boyles and Mill Park.
Preschool for All Sites (PFA) – Family Application Opens April 2, 2025
- Registration for the 2025-26 school year will open in April. Families with eligible children can apply for the 2025-26 program year as early as April 2, 2025. The 2025-26 program year will start September 2025.We will notify providers by email and update our website. Families interested in receiving email communication once the application opens can sign up to be notified using this form.
- Families can apply on their own through our online portal at pfa.multco.us. If families are unable to apply on their own and need help applying, Preschool for All Family Navigators can help them submit an application here.
- Families can apply on their own for 2025-26 through the online portal at: https://pfa.multco.us/. The application will be available in English, Simplified Chinese, Dari, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
- If your family needs help applying, Preschool for All Family Navigators can help submit an application.
- As a reminder, placement decisions are not made on a first-come, first-served basis. All applications submitted during the initial application window will be considered at the same time.
- We strongly encourage families to learn about and tour programs to ensure they choose options that will work best for them.
- There are no income restrictions to apply.
- Children must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1st and reside in Multnomah County to apply. Families must reside in David Douglas School District to apply for David Douglas preschool.
- Transportation is only available to students who attend preschool in their neighborhood/home school (where they will go for Kindergarten). If you are unsure which school your home address is affiliated with, you can identify your neighborhood school here or call 503-256-6526.
- Cherry Park
- Gilbert Heights
- Gilbert Park
- Lincoln Park (Dual Language – Spanish)
- Menlo Park
- Ventura Park
- West Powellhurst
Multnomah Early Childhood’s “Peer Program” is a program for children three to five years of age.

Multnomah Early Childhood’s “Peer Program” is a program for children three to five years of age. It is an integrated program for children with identified learning challenges and their peers.